Thursday, March 29, 2012


There have been a few things touched on in class that I've found to be completely interesting and when it comes to choosing one to focus on, I've found great difficulty.

I fully enjoyed the YouTubing Whitman project as I felt like it helped me to understand the raw power of Whitman's poetry. My only problem with that project was that I didn't spend more time with it. I feel like I could've made my video much better if only I had not limited myself to a simple reading. If I were to expand on this project I would make it much longer and take a lot more time to really dive in and immerse myself on Walt's words.

The other project that I enjoyed a lot and have thought about expanding my research on is finding Whitman references/influences in mass culture. If I expanded this research I would reach closer into films and literature to find more instances of Walt. I would also not limit my research to only American references, but attempt to examine his influence, if any, in other countries.

I'm very torn between these two projects and have, as of yet, not decided on one.


  1. Hi Todd!

    Are you, by any chance, in Yim's Shakespeare class? (I know, it's weird to ask this with less than half a semester to go, right?)

    I really enjoyed the same projects you mentioned, and definitely understand feeling 'torn' between them.

    For the YouTube project, is there another part of "Song of Myself" that you'd like to explore? Or have you considered reading an entirely different Whitman poem altogether? I really liked that you looked directly at the camera, and at viewers, towards the end of your original reading (zooming in was also a great effect). I feel like that honored Whitman's overall attempt to get DIRECTLY at his readers, you know?

    As for the Whitman references/influences in mass culture, I would LOVE to see how other countries have responded to a very American poet. But at the same time, how has Whitman influenced YOU, personally? Do you write/paint/sing/make music/draw, etc.? Is there a medium in which you could express Whitman's impact on your life?

    Just some thoughts :)

    1. I am in that Shakespeare class! It is a bit late in the semester isn't it? But nice to meet you still! Thanks for your ideas! I think I may focus on a video and really hammer down my reading and video style, to really capture the poetry in its ultimate form!
